Guides on how to perform 1031 exchanges with specific types of property or business. Check our 1031 Guide today.

Unlock the potential of 1031 exchanges in the oil sector! Explore strategies for tax optimization and investment enhancement in our comprehensive guide.
DISCLAIMER: We are not financial advisors. The content related to Strategies for optimizing 1031 Exchanges on this website is for educational purposes only and merely cites our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!

1031 exchanges, also known as like-kind exchanges, offer valuable tax advantages for investors in the oil sector. By deferring capital gains taxes, investors can reinvest proceeds from the sale of oil assets into new properties, thereby fueling growth and maximizing returns. In this comprehensive guide, we explore strategies for optimizing 1031 exchanges in the oil sector to capitalize on tax benefits and enhance investment opportunities.

Understanding 1031 Exchanges in the Oil Sector

A 1031 exchange is a powerful tax-deferral strategy that allows investors to swap one oil asset for another without triggering immediate capital gains taxes. This provision, outlined in Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, applies to a wide range of properties, including oil wells, mineral rights, and leases. By reinvesting proceeds from the sale of oil assets into similar properties, investors can defer taxes and maintain liquidity for future investments.

Benefits of 1031 Exchanges for Oil Investors

For investors in the oil sector, 1031 exchanges offer several key benefits:

Tax Deferral: By deferring capital gains taxes, investors can retain more capital to reinvest in oil assets, leading to greater portfolio growth over time.

Portfolio Diversification: 1031 exchanges enable investors to diversify their oil holdings by exchanging properties in different locations or with varying production profiles, reducing overall risk.

Enhanced Cash Flow: Reinvesting proceeds from the sale of oil assets into income-producing properties can generate steady cash flow and support long-term financial goals.

Estate Planning Benefits: 1031 exchanges can be utilized as part of a comprehensive estate planning strategy to transfer oil assets to heirs with reduced tax liability.

Strategies for Optimizing 1031 Exchanges in the Oil Sector

To maximize the benefits of 1031 exchanges in the oil sector, investors can implement the following strategies:

Timing the Exchange: Proper timing is crucial for a successful 1031 exchange. Investors should initiate the exchange before closing the sale of the relinquished oil property and adhere to strict timelines outlined by the IRS, including the identification and acquisition periods.

Identifying Like-Kind Properties: To qualify for a 1031 exchange, the replacement oil property must be of like-kind to the relinquished property. While the IRS provides broad guidelines for like-kind exchanges in the oil sector, investors should seek professional advice to ensure compliance and maximize tax benefits.

Utilizing Qualified Intermediaries: Engaging a qualified intermediary (QI) is essential for facilitating 1031 exchanges and ensuring compliance with IRS regulations. QIs play a critical role in structuring the exchange, holding proceeds from the sale of the relinquished property, and facilitating the acquisition of replacement properties.

Leveraging Reverse Exchanges: In certain situations, investors may opt for a reverse exchange, wherein they acquire the replacement oil property before selling the relinquished property. Reverse exchanges offer flexibility in competitive markets and enable investors to secure desirable properties without risking missed opportunities.

Strategic Portfolio Management: Successful 1031 exchanges require careful consideration of investment objectives, risk tolerance, and market dynamics. Investors should evaluate potential replacement properties based on their production potential, lease terms, geological characteristics, and future development opportunities.

Tax Planning and Consultation: Due to the complexity of tax regulations governing 1031 exchanges, investors should seek advice from qualified tax professionals and legal experts specializing in oil and gas transactions. Proper tax planning can help mitigate risks, maximize tax benefits, and ensure compliance with IRS guidelines.

Case Studies: Real-World Applications of 1031 Exchanges in the Oil Sector

To illustrate the practical implementation of 1031 exchanges in the oil sector, let’s examine two hypothetical case studies:

Case Study 1: Diversification and Portfolio Expansion

An oil investor owns a portfolio of producing oil wells in a mature oil field but seeks to diversify into emerging shale plays with higher growth potential. By leveraging a 1031 exchange, the investor sells a portion of their mature oil assets and reinvests the proceeds into undeveloped acreage in a promising shale formation. This strategic move allows the investor to capitalize on future production growth and enhance overall portfolio value while deferring capital gains taxes.

Case Study 2: Estate Planning and Wealth Preservation

A family-owned oil company faces the challenge of transitioning ownership to the next generation while minimizing tax implications. Through a series of 1031 exchanges, the company repositions its oil assets into income-producing properties with favorable tax treatment. By structuring the exchanges strategically, the company preserves wealth, minimizes tax liabilities for heirs, and ensures the long-term sustainability of its oil business.


1031 exchanges offer valuable tax benefits for investors in the oil sector, enabling them to defer capital gains taxes and reinvest proceeds into new properties. By implementing strategic planning, leveraging qualified intermediaries, and adhering to IRS guidelines, investors can optimize 1031 exchanges to enhance portfolio growth, diversification, and wealth preservation. With proper execution and professional guidance, 1031 exchanges serve as a powerful tool for unlocking opportunities in the dynamic landscape of the oil industry.

If you have further questions related to Strategies for optimizing 1031 Exchanges, feel free to contact us here.


Explore the future of 1031 exchanges: trends, regulatory shifts, and technological innovations. Stay ahead in real estate investment.
DISCLAIMER: We are not financial advisors. The content on this website related to the Future of 1031 Exchanges is for educational purposes only and merely cites our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!

The landscape of real estate investment is continually evolving, shaped by economic shifts, regulatory changes, and market trends. Within this dynamic environment, 1031 exchanges have long been a staple strategy for investors seeking to defer capital gains taxes and optimize their portfolios. However, as the real estate market adapts to new realities and investors face evolving challenges, the future of 1031 exchanges is subject to speculation and anticipation. In this comprehensive analysis, we’ll explore the emerging trends and predictions shaping the future of 1031 exchanges.

A 1031 exchange, named after Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, allows real estate investors to defer capital gains taxes on the sale of investment properties by reinvesting the proceeds into like-kind properties. This provision has been a fundamental tool for investors, providing opportunities for portfolio growth, tax savings, and wealth accumulation. As we look ahead, several key trends and predictions are likely to influence the future of 1031 exchanges.

Market Dynamics and Demand

One of the primary factors driving the future of 1031 exchanges is the broader real estate market dynamics and investor demand. Despite occasional fluctuations, real estate has historically been a resilient and lucrative investment asset class. As investors seek to capitalize on market opportunities and diversify their portfolios, the demand for 1031 exchanges is expected to remain strong. Additionally, demographic trends, such as the aging population and increasing urbanization, may drive demand for specific types of properties eligible for 1031 exchanges, such as multifamily housing and commercial real estate.

Regulatory Landscape

Changes in tax policy and regulatory frameworks can significantly impact the viability and attractiveness of 1031 exchanges. While the provision has enjoyed longstanding support, it has also been the subject of debate and scrutiny. Policymakers may consider revisions to tax laws that could affect 1031 exchanges, either by imposing restrictions, altering eligibility criteria, or adjusting tax rates. Monitoring legislative developments and staying informed about potential regulatory changes will be crucial for investors navigating the future of 1031 exchanges.

Technological Innovation

Advancements in technology have the potential to streamline and enhance the 1031 exchange process, making it more accessible and efficient for investors. Digital platforms and online marketplaces may emerge to facilitate property identification, due diligence, and transaction management, reducing administrative burdens and transaction costs associated with 1031 exchanges. Additionally, blockchain technology could offer solutions for securely recording property ownership and transactions, further enhancing transparency and trust in the exchange process.

Economic Factors related to The Future of 1031 Exchanges

The future of 1031 exchanges is also influenced by broader economic factors, such as interest rates, inflation, and market volatility. Low-interest-rate environments may incentivize investors to leverage 1031 exchanges to acquire higher-yielding properties and hedge against inflation. Conversely, economic downturns or market disruptions may prompt investors to prioritize capital preservation and liquidity over tax deferral, leading to shifts in 1031 exchange activity. Monitoring economic indicators and adapting investment strategies accordingly will be essential for investors navigating changing market conditions.

Environmental and Social Considerations

Increasing awareness of environmental sustainability and social responsibility is shaping investor preferences and influencing real estate investment decisions. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria are becoming increasingly important factors in property selection and due diligence processes. Investors may seek to align their investment strategies with ESG principles, favoring properties with strong sustainability credentials and positive social impact. As these considerations gain prominence, they may influence the types of properties eligible for 1031 exchanges and drive demand for environmentally friendly and socially responsible investments.

In conclusion, the future of 1031 exchanges is subject to various trends and predictions influenced by market dynamics, regulatory changes, technological innovation, economic factors, and environmental and social considerations. While the provision has proven to be a valuable tool for real estate investors, its evolution will depend on how these factors intersect and shape the investment landscape. By staying informed, adaptive, and proactive, investors can position themselves to capitalize on opportunities and navigate challenges in the ever-changing world of real estate investment and 1031 exchanges.

If you have further questions related to the Future of 1031 Exchanges, feel free to contact us here. 

Unlock the potential of California real estate with 1031 exchanges. Navigate tax deferral strategies, market dynamics, and key steps for successful investments.
DISCLAIMER: We are not financial advisors. The content on this website is for educational purposes only and merely cites our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your own needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary. Know that all investments involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that you will be successful in making, saving, or investing money; nor is there any guarantee that you won’t experience any loss when investing. Always remember to make smart decisions and do your own research!

The California real estate market is renowned for its dynamism and potential for lucrative investments. For property investors, the 1031 exchange offers a powerful tool to navigate this market while deferring capital gains taxes. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of 1031 exchanges. Their application in the California real estate market, the benefits, considerations. The essential steps to make the most of this tax-deferral strategy. Understanding 1031 exchanges is crucial for investors looking to grow their real estate portfolios while optimizing their financial returns.

Understanding the 1031 Exchange

The 1031 exchange, also known as a like-kind exchange, is a tax-deferral strategy provided under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code. It allows investors to defer capital gains taxes on the sale of an investment property when they reinvest the proceeds into a similar or “like-kind” property.

Benefits of Real Estate Market with 1031 Exchanges in California

California investors can reap several benefits from 1031 exchanges:

  • Tax Deferral: The primary advantage is deferring capital gains taxes, which can be substantial in a high-value market like California.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Investors can trade their current property for a new one, facilitating portfolio diversification and potentially greater income potential.
  • Wealth Accumulation: 1031 exchanges enable investors to continually reinvest and accumulate wealth by deferring taxes.
  • Estate Planning: Investors can use 1031 exchanges as part of their estate planning strategies, potentially reducing estate taxes.

Considerations for California Investors

Investors in the California real estate market should consider the following factors:

  • Market Dynamics: California’s real estate market is known for its high prices and appreciation potential, making it a prime location for 1031 exchanges.
  • Tax Implications: While 1031 exchanges offer tax deferral, investors must be aware of potential future tax obligations when the new property is sold.
  • Property Selection: Choosing the right replacement property is crucial to achieve your investment goals.
  • Market Timing: The timing of the exchange, given market conditions, is essential for a successful 1031 exchange.

The California Real Estate Market

The California real estate market is characterized by various key factors:

  • High Demand: California is one of the most populous states in the US, leading to a consistent demand for housing and investment properties.
  • Appreciation Potential: Historically, California properties have shown strong appreciation potential, attracting investors looking for long-term gains.
  • Diverse Property Types: California offers a wide range of property types, from residential and commercial to agricultural and industrial, making it suitable for diverse investment goals.

Types of Properties Eligible for Real Estate Market with 1031 Exchanges

In California, virtually all types of real estate properties can be considered for 1031 exchanges. This includes residential homes, apartment buildings, commercial properties, vacant land, and more. The key requirement is that the properties involved must be for investment or business purposes, not for personal use.

The 1031 Exchange Process

The 1031 exchange process involves several key steps:

  • Selling Your Property: Begin by selling your current investment property.
  • Identify Replacement Properties: Within 45 days of the sale, identify potential replacement properties in writing.
  • Select Replacement Property: Choose the replacement property within 180 days of the sale or by the due date of your tax return, including extensions.
  • Complete the Exchange: Work with a Qualified Intermediary to facilitate the exchange and ensure compliance with IRS regulations.

Potential Challenges and Solutions

Challenges that California investors might face include:

  • Limited Inventory: In competitive markets, finding suitable replacement properties can be challenging. Consider working with a real estate agent or broker to identify opportunities.
  • Timing: The strict 45-day and 180-day deadlines require precise planning. Engage with professionals who specialize in 1031 exchanges to help you meet these deadlines.
  • Financing: Financing the replacement property can be a concern. Ensure you have a solid financial plan in place to secure the funds required.

Legal and Financial Aspects of 1031 Exchanges

The legal and financial aspects of 1031 exchanges can be complex. It’s crucial to:

  • Work with Qualified Professionals: Engage a Qualified Intermediary, a tax advisor, and legal counsel to navigate the legal and financial intricacies.
  • Ensure Compliance: Compliance with IRS regulations is essential to benefit from the tax deferral. Professional guidance is critical in this regard.

Professional Guidance and Resources

For successful 1031 exchanges in the California real estate market, consider the following resources:

  • Qualified Intermediaries: These professionals are experts in facilitating 1031 exchanges and can guide you through the process.
  • Real Estate Professionals: Real estate agents, brokers, and property managers can help you identify suitable replacement properties.
  • Tax Advisors and Legal Counsel: Seek advice from tax advisors and legal counsel to ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.


Navigating the California real estate market with 1031 exchanges is a strategic approach for investors seeking tax deferral and long-term wealth accumulation. By understanding the benefits, considerations, and steps involved, investors can maximize the advantages of this tax-deferral strategy in a high-value market like California.

As with any financial strategy, professional guidance is essential to ensure compliance with IRS regulations and to make informed decisions that align with your investment goals. The California real estate market offers immense potential, and 1031 exchanges can be a powerful tool to harness its opportunities while deferring capital gains taxes.


If you have further questions related to the Real Estate Market topic, feel free to reach out to us here.

1031 Exchange Senior Housing

Senior housing is a critical part of our society. On the other hand, that does not mean that everyone is capable of running one. It has a crucial role in the life cycle of humanity. However, senior housing is rarely a profitable business due to its ongoing expensive upkeep.

Are you the building or business owner of senior housing? Selling may become a more attractive option in each year of operation. Today, there are more resources than ever available for senior homeowners. Mainly these resources help them to find a buyer and sell their property for a large sum of money. Of course, that sale is going to be taxable, so don’t start celebrating too early.

In this quick guide, we will show you how to 1031 exchange senior housing in order to maximize the sale. Are you an individual taxpayer or an operating business entity? A 1031 exchange is useable to minimize capital gains taxes paid on the sale of senior housing.

How to Sell A Senior Housing

Before you can 1031 exchange senior housing, you will first need to sell it. Selling your nursing home is likely going to be the most difficult part of the 1031 exchange process. Some businesses don’t go a day without someone asking to buy them out. It is very rare that individual investors will approach a senior homeowner. In order to acquire the property and business, there is a process. Senior housings are sellable through outbound marketing techniques. This usually includes the help of an intermediary or private equity firm.

Selling senior housing is typically not a quick process. Most senior housings remain on the market for months and sometimes years, depending on the location. Some property developers may be able to convert senior housing into a profitable entity. There are also many local restrictions that prevent senior housings from changing forms. This is to ensure the health of seniors in the area.

Determining the Value of Senior Housings

To determine the initial selling price, it is likely through a third-party intermediary. There are a few things to consider when trying to find the approximate value of senior housing. In most cases, senior housing change hands while continuing to operate as a business and residence for those living onsite. You can’t put a price on human life. However, the following are considerations when determining the initial value of senior housing:

  • Building size and condition
  • Property size, condition, and zoning laws
  • Number of current tenants, and/or waiting list
  • Pay, ownership, or leasing structure
  • Asset quantity and condition (furniture, appliances, etc.)
  • Strategic vendor partnerships
  • And more

In many ways, selling a nursing home is like selling an apartment building. it is also like selling a community center, and hospital all at the same time. With this in mind, senior housings are typically sellable for over a million dollars in most major cities. Today, senior housings are much more likely to be sold B2B rather than to an individual taxpayer.

Taxes Paid on Selling Senior Housings

Upon selling senior housing for a considerable amount of money, large taxes are applicable to both individual sellers and businesses liquidizing such a large asset. In fact, total taxation is likely to reach up to 40% of the initial selling price in some parts of the country. Once sold, the following are typically applied to senior housing transactions:

  • Federal Income Taxes
  • Capital Gains Taxes
  • Sales Taxes
  • Local Taxes
  • And More

Of course, smart investors know a few ways to minimize taxation with completely legal methods offered by the IRS. For instance, the 1031 exchange can be utilized to completely defer capital gains taxes that would otherwise be applied to the sale of senior housing.

How to 1031 Exchange Senior Housing

A 1031 senior housing exchange makes it possible to lower taxes on the sale with the acquisition of a new like-kind property. If the new property is of equal or greater value than the senior housing, all capital gains taxes will be deducted with the 1031 exchange. In the same vein, lower-valued assets make it possible to mitigate a portion of the capital gains taxes otherwise paid.

Senior Housings Like-Kind Properties

When it comes time to explore new properties, taxpayers and businesses have a lot of freedom to choose many different types of assets to purchase in the 1031 senior housing exchange. The IRS has designated in the 1031 exchange code that new properties must be of “like-kind,” however arguments can be made for most personal property types. Both physical and intangible assets like the following can be purchased after the sale of senior housing in a 1031 exchange:

  • Mineral rights and royalties
  • Water and ditch rights
  • Apartment buildings and condos
  • Hospital equipment
  • Office furniture
  • Farmland, livestock, etc.
  • Wetland mitigations credits
  • And much more

Of course, highly-valued assets like senior housings have an enormous amount of potential when considering the tax-free acquisition of a new large asset.

Timeline For a 1031 Senior Housing Exchange

Like we said earlier, senior housings can take a considerable amount of time to sell. Once the deed of sale has been signed, however, the clock begins ticking on a person or entity’s eligibility for the 1031 exchange of senior housing. In order for the new acquisition to be valid in a 1031 exchange, a new asset must be purchased within 180 days (approximately 6 months) of the sale.

For additional requirements, please see our 1031 Exchange Rules and Requirements Page.

Using an Intermediary to 1031 Senior Housing

With pressing deadlines and endless paperwork (most of which we are afraid to mention), most senior housing sellers use a specialty 1031 exchange intermediary to facilitate the sale and tax process. In doing so, investors can spend more time and less money on their senior housing transition.

What’s the Best 1031 Exchange For a Senior Housing?

Despite only being available in a handful of countries, many American investors are unaware of the unique opportunity they have in owning mineral rights. By purchasing mineral rights in a 1031 exchange of senior housing, former senior homeowners can develop a steady stream of passive royalty payments in exchange for leasing their rights to an oil and gas company. As a drastically different business model than senior housing, mineral rights are a great way to retain the most from a 1031 exchange while paving a path for ongoing financial freedom.

1031 Exchange Office Furniture

No matter what industry you are in, starting a successful business is rarely easy. The world is becoming increasingly digital every day. With that, many businesses still require physical office space. It is used to host staff, meetings, and daily business administration. On top of a lease or purchase, successful office space also requires a significant amount of capital. It is usually sunk into furniture, equipment, and other small assets.

Is your business has to liquidate? If yes, then selling office furniture and equipment is a great way to earn cash outside of ordinary company operations. The capital is useable to keep your business afloat or simply to recoup losses. Moreover, the bulk sale of office furniture and equipment is likely to come with a large cash inflow.

For large businesses with a significant amount of office space, pricey equipment sales are likely to warrant capital gains taxes, even through bankruptcy. In order to defer capital gains taxes, businesses and individuals can utilize a 1031 exchange with the purchase of a new property. In this article, we will break down the 1031 exchange process when selling your office’s assets.

How to Sell Office Furniture and Equipment

First, let’s look at the office furniture sales process. If you only have a handful of desks, some old computers, and a copier, then it will be very easy to find a buyer through traditional peer-to-peer marketing channels. Both physical and digital, this includes:

  • Word of mouth/networking in the building and nearby
  • Or local listing sites like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, etc.

For small sales, a few hundred dollars will not warrant any capital gains taxes to be applied. In large office downsizes, moves, and liquidations, however, a large sum of assets can quickly reach price tags of tens of thousands of dollars. Today, many large companies utilize consulting agencies and assert intermediaries to facilitate an easy and quickly profitable sales process.

Determining the Value of Office Furniture and Equipment

To keep it simple, the total value of an office overhaul sale is just the sum of all of its parts. Although many things cannot be sold (like the coffee machine that should have been replaced years ago), a lot of furniture and equipment within an office retains its value quite well. While the true value of your furniture and equipment is simply what the buyer is willing to pay, you can get a baseline valuation by totaling your sellable assets. This includes:

  • Desks, chairs, and tables
  • Computers, phones, and other electronic devices
  • Cabinets, bookshelves, and misc hardware
  • Copiers, printers, shredders, and other appliances
  • Any diminishing assets on hand (printer ink, paper, stationery, etc.)

As ordinary wear and tear are minimal, office administrators with assets less than 10 years old can typically earn back over 50% of their initial investment. If you are working with an agency, they may ask for your proof of purchase receipts as well as any maintenance history for large appliances.

Taxes Paid on Selling Office Furniture and Equipment

If you are selling your office furniture and equipment as part of a large corporate takeover, then all of its value will be bundled with the overall deal. However, if you are selling the office assets to a private party (business or individual) as a one-time deal, then federal and local taxes will be applied. This includes sales tax and capital gains taxes.

Selling Office Furniture and Equipment with a 1031 Exchange

Thankfully, every penny of capital gains taxes applied to the sale of office furniture and equipment can be deferred by purchasing an equal or greater valued asset through a 1031 exchange. For many businesses strapped for cash, 1031 exchanges are extremely valuable for both maximizing the sale and investing in new business assets for future growth. It is also possible to invest in assets that have a lower value than your sold equipment, however only partial capital gains taxes would be deferred in these instances.

Office Furniture and Equipment Like-Kind Properties

The key element of a 1031 exchange is the investment in a new “like-kind” property. The IRS views most property assets (both physical and non-tangible) as like-kind properties for office furniture and equipment. For example, a large liquidation of office assets can be sold in a 1031 exchange if a company were to subsequently purchase:

  • Other kinds of equipment
  • Cars, trucks, vehicles, etc.
  • A new office building or manufacturing facility
  • Private property investments (apartments, new construction, etc.)
  • Mineral rights and royalties

Office Furniture and Equipment 1031 Exchange Timeline

Selling your furniture and equipment to the new buyer? Then an entity’s eligibility for a 1031 exchange begins. It has to be always valid. How? The taxpayer must submit at least one of three plausible new assets within 45 days of the sale. Ultimately, the company must purchase a new asset (or multiple bundled assets). This is within 180 days of the sale of office equipment in a 1031 exchange.

1031 Exchange Intermediaries for Selling Office Furniture and Equipment

There are many consultants and intermediaries that specialize in the liquidation and sale of office equipment and furniture. In order to meet deadlines and maximize the value of your transition, it is strongly recommendable to sell office furniture with the help of a third party.

Why Purchase Mineral Rights and Royalties?

It might be a bit of a left turn for most individuals and companies. Mineral rights and royalties is actually one of the best ways to maximize the value of a 1031 exchange. A reinvestment in mineral rights is a quick way to liquidize while setting up a new potential value stream.
The purchase of mineral rights can be leasable to oil and gas companies in exchange for ongoing mineral royalties.

Oil and gas leases are will compensate mineral rights owners over time. It is because successful operations are able to find, extract, and sell natural resources. This will help fuel  of today’s world.

if you have further questions about 1031 Exchange Office Furniture and Equipment, feel free to reach out to us here. 

shipping containers for 1031 Exchange Cargo

Shipping containers and cargo trailers are some of the most versatile assets in the world. They are useable to store just about anything (including people). Shipping containers have been utilized by many real estate developers too! Far and wide seeking spacious protection from the outside elements.

Are you a company or private investor with connections in the manufacturing or transportation industries? Then you may have an opportunity to sell shipping containers in large quantities to independent developers. With big-ticket deals pushing into the five digits, considerable taxed amounts can accumulate after the sale of a shipping container.

In the United States, taxpayers have the unique opportunity to defer capital gains taxes paid on large assets. This includes cargo and shipping containers with a 1031 exchange. By doing so, the potential profit of the sale is expandable with the investment in a new property. Below, we will break down the steps of a 1031 exchange in detail when selling a shipping container.

How to Sell Shipping Containers

For a lot of people, selling a shipping container is the easy part. Shipping containers are available for sale on the open market. Now and more than ever. Finding a buyer is generally not difficult when exploring the available avenues of today. This includes online listings and networking.

This is especially true as demand for shipping containers has skyrocketed in recent years. Depending on the condition and quantity of your shipping containers, companies and representatives from the following industries have interest in a purchase:

  • Transportation
  • Commercial development (shops, restaurants, parking, etc.)
  • Residential development (homes, condos, apartments, etc.)
  • Public development (schools, libraries, etc.)
  • Determining the Value of Trailers and Shipping Containers

For sellers, increased global demand for high-quality shipping containers has increased the average cost per unit by an estimated over 300%. While the cost to purchase can still be relatively low, it is the cost to ship the containers, ironically, that typically drives up the value by two or three times the original buying price. With transportation in mind, the sale of a large fleet of containers is expandable when finding a local seller.

Taxes Paid on Selling Cargo and Shipping Containers

While one or two shipping containers are unlikely to warrant considerable taxation, big industry sales may are foreceable to turn over nearly 40% of their earnings to federal and local governments. Aside from sales and local taxes, considerable transactions may also require single sellers to pay capital gains taxes on the release of the asset. As we have mentioned above, this can be avoided by utilizing a 1031 exchange.

Selling Trailers and Containers with a 1031 Exchange

Capital gains taxes essentially penalize investors for liquidating their property. In an effort to retain as much capital as possible, a 1031 exchange is used to virtually “trade” an asset for a sold item, deferring capital gains taxes.
If you were to sell your inventory of shipping containers, then you would be able to eliminate all capital gains taxes otherwise paid if you choose to purchase a new asset through a 1031 exchange. Likewise, partial deference is possible through the reinvestment of one or multiple lower-valued items.

Trailers and Containers Like-Kind Properties

When “trading” properties in a 1031 exchange, shipping containers must be replaced with an asset that is a “like-kind” property. Under the IRS code, most personal property can qualify for a reasonable exchange with a shipping container, which includes both tangible and intangible assets. Among other choices, the following can be considered like-kind properties of cargo and shipping containers:

  • Trailer parks
  • Golf Courses
  • Intellectual property
  • Farmland
  • Water and ditch rights
  • Mineral rights and royalties
  • And many more

Trailers and Shipping Containers 1031 Exchange Timeline

When the deed of sale has been completed, a taxpayer’s eligibility for a 1031 exchange begins. In order to remain active, shipping container sellers must identify at least one reasonable replacement asset within 45 days of the sale. The taxpayer can then submit up to two more properties for approval, regardless of their value within the full 180-day timeline for a valid 1031 exchange.

1031 Exchange Intermediaries for Selling Trailers and Containers

In order to meet deadlines and maximize their new investment, many busy taxpayers choose to utilize a 1031 exchange in the sale of cargo and shipping containers. Not only do intermediaries know the ropes for filing approved government paperwork, but specific industry connections may also allow open doors for wise reinvestments.

Why Purchase Mineral Rights and Royalties?

If you are evaluating new property options after the sale of cargo and shipping containers, then it is overwhelming considering all of the options available. Unfamiliar territory may make you reluctant to test new investment waters. Moreover, many successful investors know the strength of active mineral rights in a portfolio.
As mineral rights owners, Americans have the opportunity to lease the subsurface of a given plot of land to an energy company. In the lease, mineral rights owners are compensable for their investment through a stream of mineral rights royalties. These royalty payments are typically delivered monthly, as a fixed percentage of resource sales defined in the lease agreement.

Around the world, it is very rare for property owners to be able to split their estate and sell or lease their personal mineral rights. In today’s world of increasing energy consumption, mineral rights are very valuable for the ongoing demand for the earth’s natural resources.


In the third decade of the 21st century, shipping containers are one of the most surprisingly valuable assets. This is mainly for a large number of industries. If you choose to sell when the time is right, considering a 1031 exchange may be a very valuable decision. This is for long-term financial health and security. When considering new investments, mineral rights and royalties are an excellent way to secure a hands-off property. It is a long-term business to generate passive income.

If you have further questions about 1031 exchange cargo and mineral rights, feel free to reach out to us here. 

1031 Exchange Ranches

Living out in the country is a breath of fresh air for most people. For others, hanging up the cowboy hat and heading to the city is a tough choice. The coast may be the ultimate choice in order to enjoy life to the fullest. For farmers and ranchers alike, selling the property is a big step. Well, no matter what the next step might be. This is where 1031 Exchange Ranches comes in.

Are you planning to sell your ranch? Then, you may be eligible for a 1031 exchange. This is so long as the sale does not include your primary residence. Are you a rancher with multiple properties? If yes, then 1031 exchanges help taxpayers retain as much of their capital. This is possible when it comes time to sell, by “trading up” for a new personal property.

In this article, we will outline the entire 1031 exchange process, beginning with the sale of a ranch. With this, we will present mineral rights as one of the most important things to consider when identifying new properties to purchase within the exchange.

How to Sell A Ranch

First things first, let’s sell your ranch. For those that are not aware, ranches are large plots of land for raising cattle and other livestock. It is typically in western North America. A farm is useable to grow agricultural crops. On the other hand, ranches are primarily useable for producing meat, dairy, and other animal products. In some cases, ranches and farms are simultaneous if the property is for multiple disciplines. Today, ranches also offer many services beyond their exports including horseback riding, accommodation, event hosting, and more.

Ranches can be sold on the open market, just like any other personal property. Many ranchers start with a simple sign in their front yard. Moreover, there are also a number of different marketing methods that are useable o locate a buyer. Today, ranches are typically sold in online auctions with the help of a broker or industry-specific real estate agent.

Determining the Value of Ranches

Even if you are planning to use an agent in the sale of your property, it is generally a good idea to have an approximate estimate of your ranch’s value. A ranch is essentially just a sum of its parts, which add up together to make the property’s total value. In order to begin to get an idea of your ranch’s value, it’s good to make a list of its features including:

  • Acreage
  • Land condition
  • Number of existing structures and condition
  • Whether or not livestock is part of the package
  • Included water or mineral rights
  • Zoning elements
  • And more

In truth, the actual value of a ranch is only going to be as much as a buyer is willing to pay. In booming areas of the United States, land for continued ranching or otherwise repurposing can be extremely valuable when considering the potential development onsite.

Ranches can be sold with or without present livestock, which can add a significant amount of value to the sale in question. Before putting a price on your ranch, it is always a good idea to check local listings of similar properties in order to gather information on current market conditions.

Taxes Paid on Selling Ranches

In most parts of the United States, ranches of all shapes and sizes sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and often even more. Not only are ranches used as homes, second homes, and country getaways, but they can also be used to start a business and begin earning revenue. If your ranch is not your primary home, the sale of it generally warrants:

  • Federal Income Taxes
  • Capital Gains Taxes
  • Sales Taxes
  • Local Taxes
  • And More

Unfortunately, ranch sales are subject to considerable taxation, at rates up to over 40% of the sale price. While most of this is unavoidable, capital gains taxes are deferrable by taxpayers who choose to purchase a new property in a 1031 exchange.

Selling Ranches with a 1031 Exchange

Under the IRS code for a 1031 exchange, the rules are laid out simply so that investors can avoid capital gains taxes otherwise associated with the liquidation of their assets. When purchasing a new property of equivalent or greater value, investors can “trade” their ranch for a new asset, and avoid paying capital gains taxes entirely. In a similar vein, new assets of a lesser total value can be purchased to avoid a partial amount of the capital gains tax.

Ranches Like-Kind Properties

In order for a 1031 exchange to truly be complete, taxpayers must acquire a like-kind asset after the sale of a ranch. Ranches are one of the highest valued kinds of personal property on the market today, so exchanging for a new, more expensive asset may actually be a bit difficult. However, if you don’t need the cash immediately, the following properties can be considered as “like-kind” for ranches:

  • Farms and farmland
  • Apartment buildings
  • Condos
  • Vacation rentals
  • Shops and malls
  • Mineral rights and royalties
  • And more

Ranches 1031 Exchange Timeline

1031 exchanges have a purchasing period of 180 days. This mean upon the sale of your ranch, you have approximately 6 months to replace it with a new asset and follow the proper paperwork with the IRS. This may seem like a long period of time. Still, it is important to note that taxpayers need to identify at least one new, potential property within 45 days of the sale.

Why Purchase Mineral Rights and Royalties?

In the United States, investors can buy and sell mineral rights, regardless of the surface rights of a property. In this split estate model, mineral rights owners are able to enter into oil and gas lease agreements with companies interested in extracting and selling any natural resources found on the property. With this, monthly oil and gas royalty checks are payable to mineral rights owners if the operation goes as planned.

Conclusion on 1031 Exchange Ranches

In conclusion, ranches are sellable for a large amount of money. More of which are retainable with a 1031 exchange. When considering a 1031 exchange, many busy investors find that working with a specialized 1031 exchange intermediary can save time and maximize the potential of a further investment of the capital.

If you have further questions about 1031 Exchange Ranches, feel free to reach out to us here.

1031 Exchange Software

For the past 20 years, the software has slowly risen. It becomes one of the highest valued industries in the world. There is a global potential and minimal starting costs. That’s why tech entrepreneurs everywhere have made millions of dollars with the development and deployment of software. Have you heard of 1031 Exchange Software?

Many choose to sell software as a service (SaaS). There is other free software like apps and online marketplaces that can sell advertisements for ongoing revenue streams. As a successful product on the market, software owners have the choice of maintaining their service. They can also sell the company that the software supports.

When choosing to sell, the software can yield enormous cash flows for the purchase of cutting-edge or popular technologies. With this, considerable taxation is usually applicable, some of which are avoidable with a 1031 exchange.

In this article, we will explain how to 1031 exchange software. With this, we will explore like-kind properties such as mineral rights and royalties for maximum returns on the software sale.

How to Sell Software

Before you can 1031 exchange software, you will first need to sell it. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs for software sales in the United States. Most of these are based around user acquisition. Are you the owner of a piece of software or a builder of it? Then you have every right to sell your intellectual property, hardware, userbase, and more in a full transfer of ownership.

Depending on the quality of your product, it is generally not difficult to find buyers. In fact, many software developers in the startup universe simply built products just to sell them for enormous profits at later dates. If your “company” is nothing more than some of the best code ever written, then you will likely be selling simply the software’s “IP” in the event that there are no employees or pieces of hardware necessary to maintain the program.

Determining the Value of Software

Software and software companies are constantly being sold on the open market at an immense range of valuations. National and local headlines in tech industry blogs often cover software sales, so it is relatively easy to estimate the approximate worth of your software ware. Of course, the value of software is largely intangible, with an enormous focus being put on the software’s potential, rather than its current condition.

The following attributes should be considered when determining the value of software:

  • Current availability (on-market or off-market)
  • Number of users (if applicable)
  • Software cash flow (current and future projects)
  • Potential revenue streams
  • Integration with purchasing entities systems and IP
  • And more

Taxes Paid on Selling Software

Although many will tell you that they’ve been burst by the dot com bubble one too many times, software sales continue to earn developers large amounts of money every year in the United States. If done legally, software sales are subject to significant taxation from the local and national governments. For big sales, capital gains taxes are applicable at rates as high as 20% of the transaction value.

How to 1031 Exchange Software

A 1031 exchange of software is an IRS-designated transaction. It allows taxpayers to defer up to 100% of the capital gains taxes applied to the sale. In order to eliminate every dollar of the capital gains tax, sellers must acquire a new asset of equivalent or greater value in order to 1031 exchange software. Here, the 1031 exchange essentially allows individuals to “trade up” their software for a new property.

Of course, if you sold your software at such a high price that you never have to work another day in your life, it is possible to acquire an asset at a lower valuation. With this, partial capital gains taxes can be deferred.

Software Like-Kind Properties

Software and software companies are largely intangible. The IRS views its IP as simple personal property. Just like most of the things that they can buy and sell on the open market. Under the 1031 exchange code, software sales must be followed by purchases of “like-kind” property for a valid transaction and tax deferment. Like-kind properties for software or software companies may include:

  • Collectibles (cars, toys, etc.)
  • Boats
  • Vacation Rentals
  • Convenience Stores
  • Trailer Parks
  • Water and Ditch Rights
  • Mineral Rights and Royalties
  • And more

Timeline For a 1031 Software Exchange

From the exact day of the sale, sellers have 45 days to identify at least one reasonable property to purchase in a 1031 software exchange to remain eligible for the transaction. Up to two more properties are considerable regardless of their value, and purchase must be within 180 days of the sale.

For additional requirements, please see our 1031 Exchange Rules and Requirements Page.

Using an Intermediary to 1031 Exchange Software

It has become increasingly common for investors to utilize specialized 1031 exchange intermediaries when selling high-value software. With an intermediary, it can be much easier to handle all negotiations, paperwork, and exploration for new properties in a 1031 exchange.

What’s the Best 1031 Exchange For a Software?

If you are about to 1031 exchange software, you’ll find a wide variety of new assets to choose from. Although options are limitless for personal assets in the United States, mineral rights are one of the best properties to acquire in a 1031 exchange. As a largely hands-off asset, mineral rights entitle you to the ownership of the natural resources found below the surface of the earth in a designated area.

As a mineral rights owner, oil and gas companies can lease your land to extract and sell valuable resources on the open market. In exchange, you will receive mineral royalty checks as outlined in your mineral rights lease agreement.


When it comes time to sell your software, you can be in for a large influx of cash if your product is worth it. Although it is tempting to go overboard with celebrations, a reinvestment of your capital with a 1031 exchange can not only save you money on the sale of software but also generate a future stream of income.

1031 Exchange Trademarks

What’s in a name? Sometimes everything. Are you or your company have a valuable trademark? Then it can likely be sold for a tremendous amount of capital. Trademarks and intellectual property sales are generally a smaller part of a larger merger. Sales with large bottom lines are often an attractive choice after building a successful brand.
What about if the time comes to sell your trademark or intellectual property (IP)?

With that, hefty transactions are often lessened by local and federal taxes. How about in the United States? Capital gains taxes are deferrable on the sale of trademarks or IP with the use of a 1031 exchange.

In this article, we will detail the steps required for selling trademarks and intellectual property. It is when utilizing a 1031 exchange. What’s next with the acquirement of a new asset is necessary? We will also demonstrate how mineral rights can be an attractive option for new capital investment.

How to Sell Trademarks and Intellectual Property

Do you remember the process of creating your trademark? The eventual sale of intellectual property will actually resemble it in a lot of different ways. Once you’ve found a buyer, trademark, and intellectual property sellers are required to notify the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and file the necessary paperwork to transfer ownership.

More often than not, the sale of a trademark or IP is the result of a buyer finding a seller. This is rather than the other way around. With that said what if you are interested in selling your trademark? Well, there are a few designated online listing sites available that act as a virtual IP marketplace. Beyond this, word of mouth and industry outreach are other popular ways to sell potentially valuable trademarks to relevant buyers.

Determining the Value of Trademarks and Intellectual Property

Although they are intangible, trademarks and intellectual property can be extremely valuable to their owners. Prices are completely up to the discretion of the seller, and IP sales generally come after several negotiations.

The actual value of any kind of intellectual property is truly only determined by a price that a buyer is willing to pay. Trademarks and IP are usually purchased with future cash flows in mind as a result of the acquisition of the property.

Taxes Paid on Selling Trademarks and Intellectual Property

High ticket trademarks and intellectual property can be taxed at rates up to 40% in some areas of the United States. This sizable chunk of the sale price can be accounted for through the following taxations:

  • Federal Income Taxes
  • Capital Gains Taxes
  • Sales Taxes
  • Local Taxes
  • And More

While most of these payments cannot be avoided, investors in the United States have the unique opportunity to defer all or some of the capital gains taxes paid on the sale of trademarks and intellectual property. To do so, taxpayers must purchase a new property to “replace” the trademarks or IP through a 1031 exchange.

Selling Trademarks and Intellectual Property with a 1031 Exchange

In a 1031 exchange, trademarks, copyrights, and IP can be sold free of capital gains taxes with the purchase of an asset of equal or greater value. If taxpayers choose to purchase a new asset of lesser value than their sold IP, then it is possible to defer only some of the capital gains taxes that would otherwise be paid in the year of the sale. With rates up to 20% for some individuals, 1031 exchanges are one of the most popular tax-saving strategies in the US.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property Like-Kind Properties

At the heart of a 1031 exchange, it is essentially a legal way to “trade” your IP for another asset to maximize your wealth. In the United States, the IRS will typically allow most reasonable personal property acquisitions to qualify for a 1031 exchange with the sale of trademarks, copyrights, patents, and IP. Most commonly, taxpayers can purchase:

  • Land
  • Businesses
  • Farms
  • Art Work
  • Apartment Buildings
  • Mineral Rights and Royalties
  • And more

Trademarks and Intellectual Property 1031 Exchange Timeline

By law, taxpayers using a 1031 exchange have 180 days to purchase a new asset after an intellectual property sale. This equates to roughly 6 months. From the date of the sale, it is required that sellers identify at least one reasonable property that can be considered for purchase. This does not need to be the actual asset required, as sellers can identify up to three potential assets for consideration, regardless of their value.

1031 Exchange Intermediaries for Selling Trademarks and Intellectual Property

With paperwork, deadlines, and new properties to consider, most busy investors choose to utilize a 1031 exchange intermediary when selling trademarks, copyrights, and IP. Specialized 1031 exchange intermediaries are very valuable resources for ensuring the successful completion of the transaction with maximum return on investment potential.

Why Purchase Mineral Rights and Royalties?

When considering new assets after the sale of trademarks and IP, it may be difficult to know where to start. In the United States, investors have the unique opportunity to purchase mineral rights, which can be leased to oil and gas companies for the exploration and sale of natural resources.

As a mineral rights owner, successful energy operations entitle you to monthly mineral royalty payments. Royalty payments, also known simply as royalties, typically come in the form of a fixed percentage of operational profits, as defined in an oil and gas lease agreement.


In conclusion, mineral rights and royalties should strongly be considered when selling trademarks, intellectual property, or copyrights in a 1031 exchange. By avoiding capital gains taxes and earning future mineral royalties, taxpayers can maximize their IP sales with a smart reinvestment of capital. For this reason, we strongly recommend working with 1031 exchange intermediaries with exceptional knowledge in the mineral rights industry.

If you have further questions about the 1031 Exchange Trademarks, feel free to reach out to us here.

1031 exchange fees

With a fee simple interest, you have it all. In the United States, a fee simple interest contract designates the highest level of private property ownership. This is a single party that owns the land. This includes everyone on it, under it, or above it. With that, be ready to learn about 1031 exchange fees today!

Do you own your home in the United States? Then there is a large chance that you own your property in a fee simple interest agreement. This is also recognizable simply as a “fee simple” or “fee simple estate”. Whatever you call it, this absolute ownership of property has limitations by local HOAs or zoning laws.

When it comes time to sell your fee simple interest, hefty taxations are avoidable. This is with a 1031 exchange if the property is not your primary residence. How about for second homes, abandoned lots, forest land, and more? Fee simple interests can be exchangeable for new properties. It will be completely void of capital gains tax otherwise payable.

In this article, we will break down the process. Mainly of using a 1031 exchange in the sale of a fee simple interest. Is it time to identify a new property in the exchange? With that, we will explain how mineral rights can be a wise investment for Americans. Are you looking to earn a steady stream of oil and gas royalties? Read more now.

How to Sell Your Fee Simple Interests

If the property is your primary residence, a fee simple interest is not useable in a 1031 exchange. Beyond this, there are little to no restrictions on selling fee simple interests, only typically bound by geographic restrictions. Fee simple interests (or similar ownership structures) in foreign countries can are sellable in the United States. This is all done with a 1031 exchange.

With this in mind, there are essentially an infinite amount of ways to sell a fee with simple interest. Usually to another person or larger private and public entities. Online auctions and digital listings are now considered to be the primary avenue. This is for easy and legitimate private fee simple interest sales.

Determining the Value of Your Fee Simple Interests

In many cases, the value of a fee simple interest is an afterthought. The exchange is incredibly common. Still, not many people consider the fact that they own their property’s subsurface or limited airways. To determine the value of a fee simple interest is simply to assess the value of the property and surface rights. This is applicable in most residential situations. Of course, you need to follow a 1031 exchange law along the valuation.

It is likely that there are many personal properties like it for sale on the market today. This is no matter the category of property your fee simple interest falls into. Because of this, it is very easy to evaluate the approximate worth of your fee simple interest. This is by finding similar properties based on the following criteria:

  • Land size
  • Local market trends
  • Number of buildings and condition
  • Historic valuations and improvements
  • Mineral rights potential
  • Rezoning possibilities
  • And more

Taxes Paid on the Selling 1031 Exchange Fees Simple Interests

The sale of a fee simple interest often occurs a large amount of taxation from federal and local governments. The truth is that high price tag sales can have capital gains taxes at rates up to 20%. For this reason alone, 1031 exchanges are extremely popular with investors. Especially those looking to defer as much taxation as possible on the sale of a fee simple interest.

Selling Fee Simple Interests with a 1031 Exchange

In a 1031 exchange, you are not selling fee simple interests so much as you are “trading” them for a new property. 1031 exchanges are inclusive of two individual private property sales transactions. There is a link between this transaction by a few governmental documents.

If the new property is of equal or greater value than the sold fee simple interest, then all capital gains taxes can be deferred, no matter the rate at which they were applied. New properties of lower value can also be purchased in a 1031 exchange, although only a portion of the taxes is then withheld.

1031 Exchange Fees Simple Interests Like-Kind Properties

Fee simple interests come in all shapes and sizes, so the IRS allows essentially any personal property (tangible or intangible) to be purchasable in a 1031 exchange, capital gains tax-free. In the United States, fee simple properties can be exchanged for:

  • Commercial buildings
  • Rental Properties
  • Farmland
  • Collectibles
  • Mineral Rights and Royalties
  • And much more

Fee Simple Interests 1031 Exchange Timeline

After you sell your fee simple interest, then you must identify at least one eligible property for a 1031 exchange within 45 days of the sale. This does not necessarily need to be the one purchased, but a new asset must be secured within 180 days in order to qualify for a valid 1031 exchange.

1031 Exchange Intermediaries for Selling A Fee Simple Interests

Although we are just scratching the surface here, fee simple interests require a significant amount of time, attention, and paperwork for a successful reinvestment of your wealth. It is advised to seek professional help if 1031 exchanges are new investment territory.

1031 Exchange Partnership Interest Restriction

Partnerships take many forms. There are general partnerships, limited partnerships, joint ventures, joint tenancy, Corporations, LLCs, etc. The IRS recognizes a partnership as a single entity, a single person. This “person” may exchange real estate, but the individuals who make up the partnership may not exchange their individual shares. This creates a problem when one or more persons wish to break out of the partnership and go on their own without paying capital gains tax. The only exception to this restriction is if ownership is in tenancy-in-common (TIC). The IRS will consider that each owner holds the equivalent of a separate piece of real estate. They can trade that piece for another property of their own.

Many investors are in a partnership or wish to enter the one that already exists. If their partnership is not a TIC, it may be possible to convert. General partnerships and joint ventures are convertible with little problem. Partnerships with limitations, corporations, and the like are not usually convertible.

The conversion of the partnership to TIC allows the investor to accomplish the desired exchange. There are two basic solutions to navigate, each with its own benefits and pitfalls.

Why Purchase Mineral Rights and Royalties?

Although you can choose to purchase nearly anything on this planet after selling a fee simple interest, mineral rights are a great opportunity for a strong reinvestment. By purchasing the subsurface rights of a portion of land, your mineral rights can pave the way for a steady flow of oil and gas royalties in a successful oil and gas lease.

While mineral rights are already a part of a fee simple interest, they can also be bought and sold independently in a split estate. Mineral rights in a city are far less valuable than mineral rights in a known oil and gas exploration area. For the best-case scenario, selling a fee simple interest for profitable mineral rights is done with the help of a specialized 1031 exchange intermediary.

A 1031 exchange specialist will be able to assist you with all the processes.

If you have further inquiries about 1031 exchange fees, feel free to reach out to Ranger Land and Minerals.