12,100 New Jobs in Texas Oil and Gas This Year So Far

The Texas upstream oil and natural gas industry has added 12,100 jobs in 2023, Texas Oil and Gas Association (TXOGA) noted in a media release, citing newly-released data from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). In August alone, employment in the sector rose by 1,200 jobs, TXOGA highlighted.

“The oil and natural gas industry serves as a major driver of the Lone Star State’s robust economy,” said Todd Staples, president of TXOGA.

“The 1,200 jobs reported in August add to already strong job growth numbers for this year, continued evidence of the strong demand for these irreplaceable resources both at home and abroad,” he added.

In its review of the August Current Employment Statistics (CES) report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO) said that Texas upstream employment for August 2023 totaled 208,500 jobs.

Texas Oil and Gas: The Industry has Added 51,500 Texas Upstream Jobs

Since the COVID-low point of September of 2020, the industry has added 51,500 Texas upstream jobs, averaging growth of 1,479 jobs a month, TXOGA pointed out. At 208,500 upstream jobs, compared to the same month in the prior year, August 2023 jobs were up by 18,200, or 9.6 percent, over August of 2022, TXOGA said.

Months with an increase in upstream oil and natural gas employment have outnumbered months with a decrease by 30 to five, according to TXOGA. Oil and natural gas jobs pay among the highest wages in Texas with employers paying an average salary of approximately $115,000 in 2022, the association said.

The upstream sector involves oil and natural gas extraction and excludes other industry sectors such as refining, petrochemicals, fuels wholesaling, oilfield equipment manufacturing, pipelines, and gas utilities, which support hundreds of thousands of additional jobs in Texas, TXOGA outlined.

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Source: Rig Zone

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